Hi Jackson,
Thank you so much for your response to my piece. I take all points of view as it helps it expand my thoughts, especially from other writers who are highly political.
I acknowledge the early successes of the New Labour movement but struggle to see them as anything but a “stain”.
In my view, the majority of Blair’s economics were an extension of Thatcher’s. His free market platform meant the continued deregulation of big businesses. Free market companies grew but came tumbling down faster in the 2008 crash. This was a factor in 2008, with Blair being a pioneer in the globalist movement. As an ardent socialist, I believe state intervention in business is critical in eradicating social injustice and inequality.
Furthermore, the Thatcher government surprisingly built more social housing than Blair/Brown. If Blair wanted to align with any leftist politics, surely the expansion of social housing and its de-stigmatisation is crucial aligning with the left-wing voters.
Like I said, I admit myself that Blair has his successes in the electorate, it is undeniable when he won three elections. However, in my view, I do not think their enough to overshadow the chaotic Iraq war. Blair’s leadership was undermined when he let himself be driven by a hawkish fear-mongering president that has caused long-lasting damage in the Middle East. What I find even more detrimental to his post-premiership image are the rumours that he wishes to be a peace envoy the Middle East. He has caused enough harm in that region.
All in all, what I am trying to say is, centrism will never last long. You can’t appeal to both sides of the spectrum without disenfranchising one. The situation is happening with France as we speak. Emmanuel Macron pledged to bring France to the centre under a intense political era. However, his closeness with big money lobbyists and the dismantling of France’s nationalised industries have caused controversy. The French working-class have been out in force protesting against Macron’s reforms. His approval ratings aredeclining. I see a Blair-esque climax happening with Macron’s presidency.
With this being said, I appreciate your views, Jackson, and would love to speak with your further. I see from your profile you write a lot on Brexit. I could use your knowledge as I am looking to write a piece on the People’s Vote idea. What are your views on this?